Should your pet become ill, non-responsive, or simply lethargic, we STRONGLY advise you take it to the nearest Veterinarian immediately (Vets in the greater Naples, Florida area are noted under our section on "Vet Info"). For emergency pet care, see the location below.
Below we also note emergency information for lost pets, an injured stray animal or wildlife, possible poison support info, pet behavior problems, deceased pets, heat stroke, and hurricane support. Finally, we offer some informative discussions on preventative pet care including outdoor hazards, in-home chemical poisons, heat exhaustion, and other in-home threats such as house plants and electrocution.
Below is a collection of emergency contacts for the greater Naples area. These are all emergency numbers so we ask that you treat them with respect, and support them, whenever possible.
- LOST PET HOTLINE (Florida Pet Loss Hotline)
(352)-392-4700, dial 1, then 4080. This number is staffed by Florida Community Volunteers on weekdays, 7pm-9pm. ...if this does not work, then try.... (352)-392-4700, x4744, Joy Diaz at the University of Florida. - LOST PETS, NAPLES AREA (Domestic Animal Services)
(239)-530-7387. The Humane Society cannot legally accept lost or stray animals. Call Collier County Domestic Animal Services. If you would like to view more information on their their website CLICK HERE. - INJURED STRAY (Domestic Animal Services)
(239)-530-7387. Call Collier County Domestic Animal Services. If you would like to view more information on their their website CLICK HERE. - DECEASED PETS (Pet Angel Memorial Center, Fort Myers)
(239)-936-1732. The Pet Angel Service offers a pet cremation service to the public for a reasonable fee at their Fort Myers facility. If you would like to view more information on their their website CLICK HERE. The Humane Society offers this service on a limited basis but you must contact them for specifics. - DECEASED PETS (Counseling & Support)
(239)-261-4404. The Naples Hospice and the P.A.W.S. program is available to help support people in the loss of their partners. - INJURED WILDLIFE, Small/non-threatening animals (Wildlife Rehabilitation Center)
(239)-262-2273. You can drop off the animal at the center or their staff will come to rescue it as soon as possible. - INJURED WILDLIFE, Large/Threatening animals (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation)
(800)-432-2046. Do NOT attempt to touch or handle injured deer, bears, alligators or other large animals. - PET POISON EMERGENCY HELP: For animal poison emergencies you can often get answers with a quick call to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888)-426-4435. It is staffed 24 hours everyday but there is a reasonable fee for help. Also check out there web site at
The warmth of the Florida area is enticing to many animals but can also be a threat. A dog's body temperature averages from 100.5 to 102 degrees.
- HEATSTOKE (HYPER-THERMIA): Pets can overheat quickly, even if sitting. They are not able to sweat like humans. Leaving a pet in a hot car can rapidly create heatstroke. The intestines can bleed and brain swell creating brain damage.
- HYPO-THERMIA: When a pet's temperature falls below about 96 degrees being exposed to cold weather they can have heart failure. If you see they are shivering bring them indoors immediately.
- HEAT EXHAUSTION: Over exercising a dog can result in over-heating , brain damage, heart failure in a short time.
- BREATHING: Uncontrolled panting is a strong sign.
- RAPID HEART: Fast heart beat that does not slow down once still is a sign.
- TEMPERATURE: Temps above 102.5 is dangerous. Above 105 degrees is often death!
- MUCOUS/COLOR: If the pets lips turn gray/blue, blood is not flowing well.
- FOAMING AT THE MOUTH: The rapid back and forth tongue movement creates a foaming.
- LETHARGY: Sluggish or uncoordinated movement indicates blood is not getting to the brain.
- VOMITING: If they vomit...scoop it up! Yes! The pet moved a mass of heat out of its body and the contents can help show the vet what is the problem.
- WET TOWELS: To cool off an overheated dog, wet the dog's body and paws with wet towels, then fan them lightly. Immediately prepare to take them to a vet for review. Use tap water - NOT ICE WATER!
- MONITOR TEMPERATURES: Very low, or high, temps are threats as shown above. Do not try to over-cool down a pet. Once they reach 102 degrees, their body will take over.
- WATCH THE COLOR: If color starts to return to their tongue/lips this is good!
- DO NOT FEED/GIVE WATER: They can choke due to inflammations and even need surgery if swollen inside.
- CONTACT THE VET!: There may be special needs for your species or pet.
- GET LAB TESTS: Make sure no damage was done. Check the blood, urine, cretonne, liver, glucose to make sure everything is OK.
Should your dog suffer a heart attack, choke on a bone or other object, or simply stop breathing for some reason you are able to perform Dog CPR just like on a human. Care MUST be take to not damage their rib cage or other organs.
Below is the quick flier for your review or CLICK-HERE to download our Dog CPR flier for future reference.
Many chemicals are dangerous to pets. What humans may think as innocent are certainly not that for animals. Below are some chemicals that are simply poisons to most pets.
- CANDY & CHOCOLATE: Chocolate is a toxic to dogs, cats, and ferrets. Candies high in sugar or caffeine can cause heart failure.
- CLEANING AGENTS: As with small children, never allow access to cleaning supplies.
- BUG/RODENT TRAPS: Ant, mouse, and rat traps smell good to cats and dogs. Simply push them into areas too small for larger pets to get to.
- HUMAN DRUGS: Many simple human drugs (e.g., acetaminophen) can kill an animal (500mg table can kill a 7 pound cat).
- AUTO PRODUCTS: Gas, oils, and antifreeze can be immediate death. One tablespoon of antifreeze can kill a 20 pound dog.
- LAWN FERTILIZERS: Watch for neighbor's lawns that have been fertilized. These chemicals can hurt a pet or cause skin irritations.
- DOG VS. CAT CHEMICALS: Shampoos, or other agents, are sometimes OK for cats and not dogs. Pay attention to all labels.
- EVERYDAY CHEMICALS: Coffee grounds, mothballs, potpourri oils, fabric softener are all poisonous to most animals.
- HUMAN FOODS: Onions, onion powder, garlic, mushrooms, grapes, in large volumes can make pets very sick.
The home can be a dangerous place for a curious pet. Especially around the holidays, they experience all kinds of unique sights, smells, and sounds. Below is a list of activities and chemicals that can physically, and emotionally, damage virtually any animal.
- PLANTS: Popular plants (e.g., Easter Lilies) are highly toxic to pets and can be fatal.
- RESIST PET PURCHASES: Bringing in new, little pets (chicks, ducks, bunnies) can be unnerving for many animals, not just cats and dogs. These new animals can be hurt by your existing pets but if they are viewed as a threat.
- DANGEROUS DECORATIONS: Easter basket grass, plastic decorations, small toys can all kill an animal if swallowed. The colors and noises they make are always attractive.
- PET RELAXATION: During holidays, or large people gatherings, some pets become very stressed with the noise and sudden "invasion" of their space. They simply do not understand all these new people or their intentions.
- FOILS, WRAPPERS, ORNAMENTS: Aluminum foils can cut a pet's intestines, cause internal bleeding, and death should they swallow hard balls or pieces. Shiny ornaments such as tinsel are attractive but lethal if swallowed due to intestinal blockage. Surgery can sometimes save the pet but not guaranteed.
- ELECTROCUTION: Christmas tree lights/cords can easily kill a pet if chewed on.
- FIREWORKS: Not only fear of noises can take stress levels to overwhelming levels to the point of phobias, but such noises tolerable to humans can cause hearing damage in pets due to their highly sensitive hearing.
- SALT/ICE MELTING CHEMICALS: A pool of water on a sidewalk looks attractive but the salt can make a dog sick. Also, you should wash off the paw pads after walking over such surfaces.
Should disaster hit, don't forget your pets! As you know, many people were caught off guard with hurricanes in Florida in the fall of 2004. You need to be prepared - most shelters would not even allow pets! They had to stay home alone in hopes they survived the storms. The Humane Society of Collier County does not provide boarding services and cannot shelter your pet. Domestic Animal Services has taken in pets (under rare circumstances) for evacuees but you must contact DAS FIRST at (239)-530-7387.
If you didn't have materials ready for them, they had to be left behind. Some Humane society's sell such kits. Shown here is the Collier County Humane Society kit. In preparation for the worst (which we hope never happens) an emergency "pet kit" is highly recommended. You can assemble your own using a moderately strong container (a camping cooler for example), you should place the following items inside:
- Spare pet leashes and collars.
- Copies of vet records and medications.
- Small blanket and toys.
- Container of litter.
- Plastic waste bags.
- A 7 day supply of food and treats and drinking water if possible.
- Complete documents regarding the disposition of the animal ownership should you not return (relative or friend that should take ownership).
There are a few critical items we can do to help prevent emergencies. Most emergencies come down to owner responsibility and pet behavior problems. Each of these is a huge subject but we include some critical points below.
Owner Responsibility:
The pet owner needs to treat their pets as 2 year old children; trust them but never leave them alone. Animals have a remarkably keen sense of curiosity and with any new sights, smells, and sounds they want to investigate. You need to know where they are at all times within the home. You also need to keep ANYTHING that interests them out of their reach or they will investigate it the most common way by eating or drinking it.
Even the most highly trained animal will often slip outside when you least expect it. They may be curious, want to run, play, or walk, or they may simply be looking for you. If they get outdoors, we can only highly recommend that you have a "Microchip" inserted under their skin with all owner information.
Pet Behavior Problems:
Most pets can be cured of bad behavior with simple training. Unfortunately, some pets may have a chemical imbalance that results in mental disorders or they may have other internal health problems. Get to the root of the problem quickly! Such behavior, or change in habits, can be an indicator or physical ailments that need to be addressed quickly! Get your animal to the Vet, even if it appears more mental than physical.