In this section we offer our sales summary flier and service forms set used before, during, and after a home or pet visit. Although the forms set appears lengthy, we believe you will appreciate the detail we try to maintain to ensure quality service. The form set includes the following:
- An introduction and summary of our services.
- A rate summary for our services.
- A pet visit summary given at the end of our service giving the owner a snapshot of their pet's behavior with a visit log for your review.
- Client profile summarizing all contact info and emergency contact numbers should they arise.
- Pet profile summarizing a pets habits, medical needs, and daily routines.
- A service contract is given to ensure the owner is comfortable and understands all expected activities.
If you simply want to automatically view the documents outside your browser, LEFT-CLICK on the links below and a window will open up allowing you to view and print inside the Adobe Acrobate, PDF viewer.
These need to be filled out by the customer before our visit service agreement can be finalized.
Click here to directly download our Sales Flier.
Click here to directly download our Forms Set.
DIRECT VIEWING OF THE FLIER AND FORMS SET (Viewable without direct download needed)
Below is our latest Sales Flier and our Forms Set needed to be filled out before initiating service. These documents are in Adobe Acrobat embedded format but are tucked inside this web page for your viewing convenience. These embedded viewers allow you to view the pages just like any other Adobe Acrobat document and the key functions are summarized below .
- Click on the printer icon to print out the pages.
- Click on the disk icon if you wish to save the files which actually download to your computer. Pick a location on your computer (e.g., your computer screen "desktop") and the file begins to download.
- The up/down arrows allow you to step through the pages one page at a time. The numbers show what page is displayed of the total pages.
- The - / + symbols allow you to zoom out or in. The % value is the current zoomed value.
- You can type in a word or phrase to search the documents for these keywords.
- Click on the small pages icon on the left and all the pages of the document will display in a tiled format, sometimes easier to view for longer documents.
You MUST have Adobe Reader (a read only version of Adobe Acrobat) installed on your computer or the documents will not display properly. Acrobat is pre-installed in 99% of all computers so if you do not see the documents fully display, you may simply need to fetch Adobe Acrobat, download the software, and install it to your computer. If this is the case, go to www.Adobe.com and look for the Adobe Reader "free download" icon. Click on this to download the installer and begin the process. Below is the direct link to the area of the Adobe web site to download this directly.
CLICK-HERE to link to the Adobe web site for the FREE Adobe Reader software download.
Our Sales Flier is a good summary of our services, benefits of a professional pet sitter, our standards, and service limitations. .
Our forms set is a checklist and standards summary, confirms our rate structure, a client summary, a pet summary, Veterinarian release, security release, visit summary and log, and a final service contract agreement. Although it may look intimidating, this form set is a valuable tool building confidence with our customers in our highly professional operations.