Liberty Home And Pet Services does NOT board animals. Our business is about taking care of the animal in their respective homes maintaining a comfort zone for that pet. We recognize that some people prefer to board their animals and acknowledge their reasons and benefits on an individual basis. Some pet sitters are totally against boarding but LHAPS view is balanced between in-home and a well run boarding facility. We do not view such business as competition but as a complimentary type of business to ours.
In the Naples area we have inspected two facilities, know the operators, and have clients that have confirmed good experiences with both. We do not formally endorse these facilities but have confidence they will provide good service if you prefer to board your pet.
Camp Bow Wow provides day time and overnight boarding services and are located just north of the Naples Airport. Their information is noted below.
3382 Mercantile Ave
Naples, Florida 34104
(239) - 352 - 2275
Weekdays: 7am - 7pm
Saturday: 8am - 11am & 4pm - 7pm
Sunday: 8am - 11am & 4pm - 7pm
Holidays: 8am - 11am & 4pm - 7pm
Wiggle Butt Inn is a cageless facility so your pets need to be well mannered. They provide daytime and overnight stays as needed. They are located off Pine Ridge Rd, near Rt 41.
5400 Jaeger Road
Naples, FL 34109
(239) - 592 - 9664
Lobby Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm
Sunday: 12pm - 4pm